Professor Elizabeth M. Boon, Ph.D.
Professory of Chemistry
Co-Director NIH-funded T32 Chemical Biology Training Program
547 Chemistry Building
(tel) 631-632-7945
(fax) 631-632-7960
elizabeth.boon at
Boon Group
532, 534, 542, 544 Chemistry Building
Mailing Address
Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11790-3400
Graduate students join our group through the following graduate programs: Chemistry, Biochemistry & Structural Biology, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Microbiology & Immunology , or Molecular Pharmacology.
Perspective undergraduate students should send Prof. Boon, by email, an unofficial transcript, a brief descriptions of career goals, and a brief description of why you want to join the Boon Group.
Perspective postdoctoral scholars should send Prof. Boon an application by mail.